Older guys are also at risk of STIs

Traditionally, the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) has been more of a young man’s problem. Older guys are also at risk of STIs. Sometimes older guys may not be as knowledgeable about STIs or about proper penis protection. At other times, when young bodies are full of raging hormones, a young guy may throw caution to the wind. Consequently, he will engage in unprotected sex, even knowing the risks involved. But sexually related penis health issues are actually becoming an increasing problem among older men as well.

Increase in sexual activity

The availability of oral medications that can help a man overcome erectile dysfunction has led to increased sexual activity. This is particularly true among middle-aged and older men. Many men who resume sexual activities after a long time have the attitude of “I haven’t used a condom in years. Why start now?” Above all they may not be as up to date about the need for penis protection as some of their younger counterparts. Some men who continue to struggle with some erectile issues may avoid a condom, as it may add to the problem with maintaining an erection. So they believe.

Prevention and protection of STI is key

Whatever the reasons, middle-aged and older men need to be aware that STI protection is necessary no matter what the age. In addition guys who are getting back into the game should really consult with their doctors to find out about all the latest advances. This includes pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to help prevent HIV. Using condoms continue to be the best way to help prevent the spread of STIs. This is especially true since PrEP is effective against HIV but not against other diseases.

Simply using condoms and being on PrEP isn’t where penis protection ends among sexually active older men. Learning to be open with their partners about their sexual health and encouraging their partners to be equally open with them is crucial. Talking about sexual health tends to be more difficult for older people; being sexually open is much more acceptable among youth.

Importance of testing

Equally important is for men to be sure they are tested regularly if they are in a non-monogamous relationship even if it is only their partner who has other sexual partners. Most experts recommend testing every 3 months as a way to ensure early and proper identification of any STIs. The sooner an STI is diagnosed, the sooner effective treatment can begin. In conclusion remember that older guys are also at risk of STIs.

Older men know that STI avoidance is only part of penis protection. One way to help in this area is to consult Mens Clinic International for any sexual problems that are related to Early Ejaculation, Erectile Dysfunction, Low Libido, STI or Circumcision. Do get in touch with us to book a consultation with our professional doctors who specializes in Men’s Sexual Health.

Contact us now to find out more about Mens Clinic prices and the effects of stress on sexuality. Or click here to book an appointment with one of our friendly doctors in your area.



