Masturbating Control Strategies


Do you masturbate? Yes! How often do you masturbate? Once a week, twice a week or twice a day?? Do you feel that you masturbate too much? Do you want to stop masturbating? Masturbating is a healthy act and contrary to many myths many of us do it but will not admit it. Over 50% of men look at porn regularly and this can lead to masturbation. Over 40% of women report that they do masturbate monthly. Some do it just to alleviate boredom. There certainly is nothing wrong with masturbation. It is a healthy, normal activity that can be done by men and women. It only becomes a problem when it becomes uncontrollable and stops you from normal day to day functioning.

You must learn to exercise the appropriate amount of masturbation control for good penis care as well as a balanced life. If you haven’t had sex for a while, it is appropriate to masturbate so you can release that tension and lustful desire. Although overdoing it, qualifies it as an addiction which should be resolved by a mental health professional.

There are proven ways where one can control the urges to masturbate. The first step to take is to admit that you do it too much and you need to stop or cut down. If you do not admit to something then you will never make an effort to sort it out. Then you should seek some sort of help. We suggest a professional, but we know that many reading this would be reluctant to do that. Do reading on the subject on how to stop. There are many references and self help guides and tips on the net.


You must avoid pornography, this is an obvious one. Where the penis is concerned, the brain is often not consulted, as masturbation is more likely to occur when your penis is erect. The goal of male-oriented pornography is to bring about such a state of arousal. Men enjoy pornography while masturbating, as it enhances the stimulation. When you want to slow things a bit, porn should be the first thing that you move away from. To be on a safe side, add parental control to your laptop and smart phone browsers. Set a difficult password that will turn you off by the time you have remembered what it was.


Get into physical exercise like swimming, ball sports, cycling, running etc. You must be wondering what exercise has to do with your masturbation addiction. Just so you know, when you get a proper amount of exercise it often boosts the chemicals which bring about satisfaction and happiness, which in turn will make you feel more interested in doing things that you might not normally do. Boredom seems to be the main motivating factor for masturbation, the moment you are engaged and being involved in other distractions can be a plus for you. You can exercise from home, but then the plan is to get out of the house. It does not need to be limited to exercise, you can also start a new hobby, volunteer your time, the point is keep busy!!

Make plans to avoid the masturbation routine. So if you do it late at night, in the shower etc break that routine. If you feel the urge at night drop and do push-ups, in the shower make the water cold. Also linked to this is that masturbation is a solo sport, so limit your solitude. Avoiding boredom can be the key to controlling your frequent masturbation problem.


Start a relationship if you are single then it is about time to find you a sexual partner. Although this doesn’t necessarily solve the problem as men masturbate whether in a relationship or not, most men do masturbate less frequently when engaged in regular sex with a partner. So being in a relationship might be another way to keeping your masturbation more under control. It can result in less frequent masturbation sessions.

As stated, there’s nothing wrong with playing with one’s erect penis, but no guy likes to let masturbation be the controlling factor in his life. If you have reached a point in your life that you no longer have control of your masturbation habit. You need to seek help from a professional, before it gets out of hand. You have to be patient with the process as like any bad habit, it is not easy to let go. It will take some time, as long as you try to avoid it.

Men’s Clinic International deals with any sexual problems that are related to Weak Erections, Early Ejaculation, Low Libido, STIs or Circumcision. Get in touch with us to book a consultation with our professional doctors who specialise in Men’s Sexual Health.

Contact us now to find out more about Men’s Clinic prices and masturbating. Or click here to book an appointment with one of our friendly doctors in your area.

To read more on masturbating, click here.