Male Sex Drive

Sex drive and the brain

Sex drive is usually described as libido. There is no numeric measurement for libido. Instead, sex drive is understood in relevant terms. For instance, a low libido means a decreased interest or desire in sex. The male libido lives in two areas of the brain: the cerebral cortex and the limbic system. These parts of the brain are vital to a man’s sex drive and performance. They are so important, in fact, that a man can have an orgasm simply by thinking or dreaming about a sexual experience. Only you can measure what is normal for your sex drive. If you are experiencing libido changes, talk to your doctor.

Cerebral cortex (brain area)

The cerebral cortex is the gray matter that makes up the outer layer of the brain. It’s the part of your brain that’s responsible for higher functions like planning and thinking. This includes thinking about sex. When you become aroused, signals that originate in the cerebral cortex can interact with other parts of the brain and nerves. Some of these nerves speed up your heart rate and blood flow to your genitals. They also signal the process that creates an erection.

The limbic system includes multiple parts of the brain

Other parts of the brain such as hippocampus, hypothalamus and amygdala and others. These parts are involved with emotion, motivation, and sex drive. However, there are many parts of the brain involved with sexual response.


Testosterone is the hormone most closely associated with male sex drive produced mainly in the testicles. Low levels of testosterone are often attached to low libido. Testosterone levels tend to be higher in the morning and lower at night. In a man’s lifetime, his testosterone levels are at their highest in his late teens, after which they slowly begin to decline.

Testosterone has an essential role in the body functions

  • Development of male sex organs.
  • Growth of body hair.
  • Bone mass and muscle development.
  • Deepening of the voice in puberty.
  • Sperm production.
  • Production of red blood cells.

Low of libido

Sex drive can decrease with age. But sometimes a loss of libido is attached to an underlying condition. For most men, libido will certainly change over time. The way you make love and enjoy sex will likely change over time as well as the frequency. But sex and intimacy can be a pleasurable part of aging.

What causes a decrease in sex drive?

  • Firstly, stress or depression – If you are experiencing mental health issues, talk to your doctor. He or she may prescribe medication or suggest psychotherapy.
  • Secondly, endocrine disorders – an endocrine disorder may decrease male sex hormones.
  • Thirdly, low testosterone levels – certain medical conditions, like sleep apnea, can cause low testosterone levels, which can impact your sex drive.
  • Certain medications – some medications can impact your libido. For example, some antidepressants, antihistamines, and even blood pressure medications can impair erections. Your doctor may be able to suggest an alternative.
  • High blood pressure – damage to the vascular system can hurt a man’s ability to get or maintain an erection.
  • Lastly, diabetes – having high blood pressure, diabetes can damage a man’s vascular system and affect his ability to maintain an erection.

In conclusion, Mens Clinic International deals with any sexual problems that are related to Weak Erections, Early Ejaculation, Low Libido, STIs or Circumcision. Do get in touch with us to book a consultation with our professional doctors who specialise in Men’s Sexual Health.

Contact us now to find out more about Mens Clinic prices and the effects of weak erections. Or click here to book an appointment with one of our friendly doctors in your area.


To read more about male sex drive, click here.