CONFLICT IN A RELATIONSHIP Most relationships have conflicts! It is common to have conflict in your relationship, and that means you disagree about something. However, it doesn’t mean you don’t like each other. Moreover, partners who have constant conflicts and disagreements may become angry at each other. COOL DOWN BEFORE TALKING The conversation will be […]
NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS AND YOUR GOALS Every year, many people make New Year’s resolutions to ignite positive change and achieve goals. Moreover, each year, there is a recurring theme of taking an active approach to health and fitness, improving finances, and learning new skills for professional and personal development. YOUR GOALS FOR MENTAL PREPARATION FOR […]
LACK OF ATTENTION A lack of attention from one partner can cause a chain reaction and lead to bigger conflicts in the relationship. Furthermore, a lack of attention may be the same as a lack of communication. LOSE CONNECTION If you stop giving your partner the love and attention they deserve, you may lose a […]
LONG-LASTING RELATIONSHIP Spending as little as 15 minutes a day on your relationship can improve your chances of a long-lasting relationship. Furthermore, always make time every day to have meaningful conversations with your partner. Give your partner full attention by listening to them. Always let your partner know how you feel about them. Moreover, you […]
HAPPINESS IN A RELATIONSHIP In a romantic relationship, it’s important to feel happy and supported by your partner. Furthermore, your partner is not responsible for keeping you happy. It is your responsibility to take care of your own happiness! True happiness comes from within and begins with you. Pursue things that make you […]
JEALOUS AND EGO A partner with an ego keeps on bringing up the past and asks you where you are if you are out past a certain time. Furthermore, a person with a huge ego doesn’t like how much time you spend with your friends or family. SELFISH AND EGO The egos of men and […]
FESTIVE SEASON The Christmas or festive season, also known as the holiday season or the holidays, is an annual period generally spanning from late November or December to early January. Furthermore, the festive season is a season of love and sharing. It is the only unique period of the year we spend time with families. […]
WHY COMMUNICATION IS ESSENTIAL IN A RELATIONSHIP Couples who do not communicate in a relationship are not sharing what they are feeling with each other. There are many reasons why people hold onto their feelings and thoughts. Generally, people in relationships fail to communicate because they fear rejection and are worried about upsetting their […]
NEW RELATIONSHIP New love is exciting! Most adults have experienced it and “received” it. Furthermore, enjoy the moment but don’t take it too far. Remember, you have friends, family, and your hobbies. Moreover, if you overdo things in your relationship you may increase the danger of losing yourself altogether. DON’T OVERDO OR RUSH THINGS There’s […]
A REAL MAN LOVES AND RESPECT A real man might not love her woman at all times, but he really loves her. However, a real man doesn’t love his woman for just her body, her possessions and her status, but all of her! He is aware that as beautiful as her body is now, physical […]