The mysterious G Spot

Many people have heard all sorts of stories about the mysterious “G-spot” and its supposedly magical effects on women and their orgasms. The reality, alas, is a little more down-to-earth.
Drs. John Perry and Beverly Whipple named the mysterious “G-spot” in honour of Ernst Grafenberg. Grafenberg was a German physician who, in the 1950s, wrote an article that mentioned the G=spot. He stated that there was an erotic zone on the anterior wall of the vagina along the course of the urethra that would swell during sexual stimulation. However, the G-spot was cited as far back as the 1700s. A Dutch anatomist spoke of the substance called the female prostate. This anatomist was also the first person to write about female ejaculation. Female ejaculation is a phenomenon that is often associated exclusively with G-spot stimulation. This is incorrect.
The G-spot
So what is all this talk really about? The G-spot is simply a small area located on the upper wall of the vagina. It is towards the belly button, about 5 to 8 centimetres from the vaginal opening. Many women have not had success finding their G-spots. However a recent study confirmed its presence in all of the women examined. This means that the G-Spot is more than just a fantasy. It does not mean, however, that all women find stimulation of this area pleasurable.One of the reasons this spot can be hard to locate is that it is a region of differential engorgement. Under normal circumstances, the G-spot is about the size of a pea. It can grow to the size of a walnut when stimulated. It can also be difficult for a woman to reach by herself, unless she is in a squatting or sitting position.
Reaching the G-spot
Reaching the G-spot. If you want to try to locate your partner’s G-spot, you should insert one or two lubricated fingers into the vagina. the G-spot will be toward the “twelve-o-clock” position. Crook your fingers upward toward your stomach and make a “come hither” motion. The exact location will vary somewhat from woman to woman. The G-spot is generally midway between the opening of the vagina and the cervix.Certain positions will make it easier to reach this spot. Most women say that being on top during intercourse works best, because the woman has much better control of the speed and depth of penetration. Some women, though, swear by rear-entry as the best way to hit the G-spot. Interestingly, because of its location, a shorter, smaller penis may actually be more effective at reaching the G-spot.Many women say they feel a sudden urge to urinate when they hit the right spot. This is because swelling of the G-spot puts pressure on the urethra. Many women stop stimulation at this point. The urge to pee will usually subside. Continuing stimulation will often lead to intensely erotic feelings.
Orgasm and the G-spot
Many women report that they can have an orgasm from stimulation of the G-spot alone. Others say they prefer simultaneous stimulation of the G-spot and the clitoris. Some women also report that orgasms arising from G-spot stimulation are more intense, deeper — more “whole body.” A few women even say they ejaculate. On the other hand, some women say that they feel nothing when this area is stimulated, or worse, a downright unpleasant sensation. Most importantly… Your partner need not be worried if stimulation of this area is not everything they have imagined it to be or heard about. What is most important is that you and your partner are comfortable with your bodies and to enjoy your own sexuality. Whilst there may not be a “magic button” that will do that for you, spend the time that you have set aside for loving being open and expressive about what makes you feel good, and what doesn’t.Whether you have problems finding the mysterious “G-spot” or sexual problems which could lead to relationship issues we have the solution. At Mens Clinic we pride ourselves on men’s health and assist men with sexual problems like, erectile dysfunction, impotence, low libido, STD symptoms and STI symptoms.
Contact us now to find out more about Mens Clinic prices and the effects of stress on sexuality. Or click here to book an appointment with one of our friendly doctors in your area.To read more about the g-spot click here.