Tag Archives: Erectile dysfunction

Restore Your Penile Sensation

Restore Your Penile Sensation

Penile Sensation Decreased penile sensation is an unfortunate inevitable certainty that is going to happen to men as they age. Aging and loss of sensation can often lead many men to long for their hard and steadfast erections. What some men don’t realize is there are other ways to fight decreased penile sensitivity that doesn’t […]

Sex topics to discuss with your partner…

Sex Topics

Healthy sex Sex is not only pleasurable but also good for your body! There are plenty of benefits in sex, ranging from cutting stress levels to lowering your risk of cancer and heart attacks. Sex facilitates bonding and feelings of intimacy with your partner. Moreover, sex reduces anxiety and boosts your overall health. Emotional connection […]

Rebound Sex or Casual Sex…?

Rebound Sex or Casual Sex

Rebound sex Rebound sex occurs when a person is having sex with one or several new partners. The excitement of meeting and getting physical with someone new can distract you from feelings of sadness, loss and rejection. However, with casual sex so many studies have indicated that it may help you get through the pains […]

Can I live a healthy lifestyle with HIV?

healthy lifestyle with HIV

Taking care of yourself You can still live a healthy lifestyle with HIV but only if you take care of yourself and maintain the right treatment. There are a lot of people who have good responses to HIV treatment and have excellent long-term lifestyles. Moreover, you can increase your life expectancy by not smoking and […]

A High Libido Is Great For Performance!


High Sex Drive A high sex drive or libido refers to a person’s desire to engage in sexual activity. You need to eat foods that are packed with nutrients to improve libido and your overall health. However, if your libido levels are low and your partner has a high sex drive this might be a […]

Hormonal Imbalance and Sexual Issues.

Hormonal Imbalance and Sexual Issues

Hormonal imbalance Hormonal imbalances are more common during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, menopause and aging. But some people experience continual, irregular hormonal imbalances. Hormonal imbalances occur when there is too much or too little of a hormone in the bloodstream. Hormones are playing essential role in the body and are chemically produced by glands in the endocrine […]

How Long Should Sex Normally Last….?

How Long Should Sex Normally Last

Duration of Sex… According to many studies sex can last between 33 seconds to 44 minutes, with the average session lasting 5.4 minutes. There is no set time for how long sex should last. However, it can differ depending on preferences and a range of factors. These factors can contribute to the duration of sex. […]

Expecting Good Sex From A Relationship…?

Expecting Good Sex

Sexual expectations We all have different perceptions when it comes to sex. However, these perceptions are changing, based on our current life stage. Sexual expectations within a relationship can sometimes make things complicated. Moreover, at the beginning of most relationships the sexual attraction and desire are usually at its highest. Couples are exploring new moves, […]

Mistakes do happen in any relationship – fix it!


Is it possible to forgive my partner cheating? It’s possible to forgive your partner for cheating. It makes sense if you don’t trust them at first and can’t forgive. If you can’t move on from the past, the cheating, and forgive, it’s time to think about how to let the relationship go. Moreover, it’s important […]

What To Know About Orgasms?


Orgasms An orgasm is the peak of sexual arousal when all the muscles that were tightened during sexual arousal relax. However, a guy’s orgasm is usually accompanied by the release of ejaculatory fluid. Moreover, about ten percent of women also ejaculate during an orgasm, but some women are less likely to have orgasms than men […]