Tag Archives: mens clinic international

Masturbation – 5 Good Reasons

Masturbation is an activity enjoyed by millions of men and women all around the world. It has survived centuries of bad mouthing and sometimes-hysterical denunciations for the simple reason that it feels good, produces positive results, is good for penis health, and, in most cases is harmless. While the rates of masturbation may vary from […]

Exercises for Premature Ejaculation

Exercises for Premature Ejaculation Men who are more concerned about their sexual health are performing exercises to take action to fix the problems that make their sexual performance unsatisfactory. When talking about sexual health and performance, premature ejaculation comes up frequently. Taking the cost effective steps to control ejaculatory issues is an important part of […]

Penis Size and Enlargement Products

Penis Size Many men are desperate to increase the size of their penis. South African men ranked number 6th in the world in average penis size. A study which was done in 2012 by the Scientific Journal Personality and Individual Differences concluded this. It doesn’t come as a surprise why too many men are so […]

Poor Lifestyle Choices Vs Sexual Health

The most sensitive part of a man is his private parts. As a man you need to put on extra security to protect your most valuable asset against poor lifestyle choices. A simple misplaced blow to the genital area can lead to you writhing in agony. Guys who play soccer are mostly familiar with the […]

It Hurts To Pee – What To Do?

Introduction There is absolutely nothing that gets a man’s attention faster than the feeling of fire passing through the urinal. In other words it hurts to pee. It is the most painful experience that any man could ever go through. When you feel a sudden burn when urinating, it should not be taken lightly. Such […]

Penile Shrinkage – What to do?

Men like to boast about how big they are to their fellow comrades. Packing a big one under the hood is something all men strive for. It might happen that on a certain day a man may notice a slight reduction of the size of the junk in his trunk. This is the result of […]

The Best Tips For A Hairless Experience

These are best tips for a hairless experience so its is time to grab the machetes, boys! The pubic jungle needs to be whacked off. It’s time to join the hairless crotch gang. Is there anyone who knows where it all began? Now more than ever more men are opting to abolish their short and […]

Delayed Ejaculation – What Is The Cause?

Introduction What is delayed ejaculation? Many men worry about premature ejaculation, as it affects their sexual experience and ruins their relationships if left unresolved. The biggest stress of premature ejaculation is when you try to make love to your partner and in just a ‘few seconds’ you had already ejaculated. Poof, gone in 60 seconds… […]

Ensuring Good Penis Health After Circumcision

Introduction Circumcision is one of the oldest surgical procedures. It has been practiced for over a thousand years. In addition circumcision is done for cultural, religious, social or medical reasons. Whatever reason leads a man to having a circumcision done, it is very important that he pays very close attention to ensuring good penis health […]

What Exactly is Cheating?

Introduction Every man get an occasional itch in his pants due to rashes, sweat, skin irritants and other physical issues. This is occasionally cleared by a little TLC (Tender loving care). But then what about that other kind of itchiness: the one that aches to indulge in a little outside-the-relationship exploration? How does one precisely […]