Tag Archives: mens clinic international

Plus Size Men Sex Tips

Introduction Men come in different shapes, weights and sizes. Sometimes men who have a larger frame need few minor sex tips. These tips help plus size men to make their sexual adventure a bit more satisfying. A plus size man faces a lot of obstacles when it comes to making love. Some of the challenges […]

Valentines Day Ideas for Couples

Valentines Day Ideas Since January there has been a lot of buzz on social media about a fictional #Mensconference, which is scheduled to happen from the 13 to 15 February. All men in the country have been invited. In addition we hear talk that this event was organized by Mens Clinic International. We have no association […]

Men’s Clinic International Cares About Men’s Health

At Men’s Clinic International we know it’s no secret that most men would rather ignore their overall well-being just to avoid seeing a doctor. As men we like to think of ourselves as being strong, in control and immune from any sickness. A little cough we know that Med Lemon will fix it. We never […]

Masturbating Control Strategies

Masturbation Do you masturbate? Yes! How often do you masturbate? Once a week, twice a week or twice a day?? Do you feel that you masturbate too much? Do you want to stop masturbating? Masturbating is a healthy act and contrary to many myths many of us do it but will not admit it. Over […]

Recovery Tips From A Wild Weekend

After this past long weekend of the 16th December, we saw it appropriate to write this hangover recovery tips for you. People are walking with long faces as the festive fever has finally caught up with them. December is the time some people to go on holidays, relax or explore the world. There are some […]

Bent Penis Treatment Methods

There are men who suffer from Peyronie’s Disease (Bent penis), a condition where the penis has an extreme, usual, 30 percent or greater, bend.The cause of the disease is largely unknown but medical professionals suggest it can develop over time due to injuries to the penis, both major and minor. Those traumas can cause bleeding […]

Top 10 Great Tips To Stay Healthy

Let’s talk about the top 10 great tips to stay healthy. If you drink two bottled sodas a day. At roughly 240 calories each, you’ll cut 3,360 calories a week just by switching your soft drink for water. That means you’ll lose some kilos, just by omitting soft drinks. Even if you don’t drink soda, […]

Why Do Men Cheat?

Why do men cheat….. Guys we know that, cheating is cheating, right? When you make a commitment to monogamy and then you break it, you’ve cheated? Are the specifics of what or how you conducted the act, with whom you did it with, and what you felt when you were doing it really matter? Well, […]

Fresh Eating For A New Year

  With every New Year comes the annual tradition of making resolutions. One of the most popular goals most of us strive is to either lose weight or live healthier with fresh eating habits. We all know that these beginning of the year goals are good. The tricky thing is can we stick to them? […]

Sexual frequency – How Often?

Many people are wondering about sexual frequency and if they are having enough sex, too little sex, too much sex or they really do not give it two thoughts. Perhaps you think that you are not having as much sex as your friends bragging by the braai. By sex many people have a set definition […]