Tag Archives: Weak Erections

Exercises for Premature Ejaculation

Exercises for Premature Ejaculation Men who are more concerned about their sexual health are performing exercises to take action to fix the problems that make their sexual performance unsatisfactory. When talking about sexual health and performance, premature ejaculation comes up frequently. Taking the cost effective steps to control ejaculatory issues is an important part of […]

Delayed Ejaculation – What Is The Cause?

Introduction What is delayed ejaculation? Many men worry about premature ejaculation, as it affects their sexual experience and ruins their relationships if left unresolved. The biggest stress of premature ejaculation is when you try to make love to your partner and in just a ‘few seconds’ you had already ejaculated. Poof, gone in 60 seconds… […]

Condoms – The Best Way To Avoid Breaking

Condoms…. Not to spoil the fun, but if you’re sexually active, you should be concerned about sexually transmitted infections (STI’s). More than half of the people are likely to have STI at some point in their lives. Although some STIs are curable, some aren’t and you could be left managing the infection for the rest […]

Weak Erection Or Impotence

Mens Clinic International

Introduction A Weak Erection (also know as impotence or erectile dysfunction) is not a disease, but a secondary condition brought on by other, primary causes. It is a side effect, a symptom of something else. Thirty years ago, when men went to their doctors asking for help for erectile problems, they were told that there […]

Markers for Disease – Weak Erections

Introduction. Research results recently released state that week erections (also referred to as impotence or erectile dysfunction ) may be one of the early warning markers of heart disease, and other conditions. Dr Willie Jordaan, managing director of Mens Clinic International, the largest group of specialist male sexual health clinics in South Africa, said today […]

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