Why Do I Have Cancer?


October as we all know it is Breast Cancer awareness month. Pink ribbons are an awareness sign for cancer. Red ribbons are an awareness sign for HIV/AIDS. Anyone can get cancer, it doesn’t matter who you are. Male or female, young or old, healthy or not. Nobody can plan for it and say,“chomee next week I’m getting cancer”. It has no warning unlike having unprotected sex with the likely chances of getting STI. You would ask yourself why did it happen to me and not to gogo Maria who uses Ntsu Snuff every 5 minute or uncle Brown who smokes 3 packs of cigarette a day.

Here you are on your healthy diet, going to the gym occasionally and taking vitamins and watching your health. Then boom, it happens, without a warning! Your doctor tells you the sad news. Buti you have cancer. It is normal for you to think to yourself, “Why me of all people?”

Who gets cancer

Cancer doesn’t care who you are or what you do. It is the ultimate equal opportunity disease. It affects anyone from infants to older person. In addition, it is not clear what really causes it or why particular individuals get it. Of course, there are risk factors such as cigarettes, some chemicals or even excessive sun exposure. Then more often than not there are those who inherit cancer. If you have someone in your family who had it that’s a red flag worth taking note of. And then what about us who have no family history of aunties and great grand pas with cancer, have never puffed a cigarette and use Vaseline Intensive Care body lotions whenever we’re out in the sun? The sad truth is there is no definitive answer and you are certainly not alone.

The prevalence of cancer

Each year 100 000 South Africans are diagnosed with cancer. The Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA) publishes these statistics. Hey, it is time for us all to go check if we are still safe. A high percentage of people who are diagnosed are just like you or me wondering what happened. Basically somewhere, somehow and for whatever reason, your immune system decided to go on vacation and left you effectively defenceless. When that happened, it gave the initial stages of cancer a chance to develop. Where it comes from that is unknown. It’s not as uncommon as you think, and you shouldn’t blame yourself. The sad truth about cancer is that you can do everything right and still get it. No one is safe…

Types of cancer

The big 5 cancers affecting men in SA are; Prostate, Colorectal, Lung, Kaposi Sarcoma and Bladder Cancer. And the big 5 cancers affecting women in SA are; Breast, Cervical, Colorectal, Uterine and Lung Cancer. When you find out that you have been diagnosed with cancer, don’t beat your self up and be stuck in the “why me” stage. You will drive yourself crazy and end up hurting yourself. Just know that you’re not alone. In the beginning just like anything else when the unexpected happens, you will feel angry, sad, alone and fearful. It’s not easy to think clearly when you’re given that kind of news. Unfortunately, you have a lot of time to think about it. Get support from family members and support groups. Look at support groups on the net in SA, you will find the help that you need.

Change your thinking from why is it happening to me to why not me. Think positive thoughts at all times. When you read about other cancer survivors, always think “Why not me”. When you get told that some people responded well to treatment with minimal side effect, again think “Why not me”.

Cancer can be beaten

We need to also know that cancer can be beaten. With medical assistance family, group and community support you can overcome. There are many wonderful stories of people that have beaten cancer, a wonderful story is that of Xolani Gwala of Radio 702.

To all South Africans and the rest of the world, living with cancer might feel like it is the end of the world but we say to you it isn’t. You can beat this thing. You can win the fight. Why not you if anyone else can. Here at Mens Clinic International, our prayers and thoughts are with you during this time in your lives. Think positive and have faith in that you will come through this.

In conclusion Men’s Clinic International deals with any sexual problems that are related to Weak Erections, Early Ejaculation, Low Libido, STIs or Circumcision. Do get in touch with us to book a consultation with our professional doctors who specialise in Men’s Sexual Health.

Contact us now to find out more about Men’s Clinic International prices and male sexual health. Or click here to book an appointment with one of our friendly doctors in your area.

To read more about why I have cancer, click here.

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